Sprinkle salt and mixed peppercorns evenly over steak.
Use Panasonic Electronic Pressure Cooker SR-PG601 / SR-PG501, please keep the lid open and don’t forget to lock the lid lock. Select ‘Auxiliary Cooking’ for 15 minutes, then press the ‘Start’. Add butter, thyme, garlic and the steak. Pan-fry the steak each side for 5 minutes.
Take the steak out, wrap it in aluminum foil. Let stand for 5 minutes in order to seal in the juices.
Add dried shallot, garlic and brandy into the cooker. Cook until alcohol evaporates and add beef broth. Continue to cook until sauce thickens.
Stir in cream and thyme. Dish up the steak, cut into pieces, serve with the sauce.